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posted at 29/12/07 11:28gan_ws
Erm.. Toadcop, where do you from?
posted at 25/12/07 17:12Guest
posted at 07/12/07 08:17jamn455
This map is fucking awesome, me and some friends got a real kick out of it and I cant wait for future versions to come out.
i am working on. so TcX will be more fun & unique. what will allow much more taktics & bilds (! yes)
i am working togehter with one Diablo2 pro ^^ (he gives my suggestions for features).
so the goal is to make TcX with current gameplay but also add more RPG elements. (more in Diablo2 direction)
// the new FSI Inv is ready ;)
posted at 03/12/07 13:35gan_ws
Wiil the SCX mode support by the AI?
hmmm idk maybe not cause you have oponnets and to add more allies would be some kind to cheate and almost make no sense. (imho)
+ the AI must be relative advanced. (not just running and shooting ^^) aka must spend much time on it.
posted at 02/12/07 13:12Guest
y winamp is ok, but still, ites better if its original, y problem is map size, but if u will have free space some day, use this option. :P
posted at 29/11/07 11:47Guest
Change music if it wont lagg the map... not some music that u fall a sleep...
2) I used this tune cause it's "Tear in the Open" (fucked alot by Blizz composer i guess) well and Tiesto has a very nice mix on this melody (track) and cause it's almost unknown i decide to use it =) to import custom one... currently there is no enought space =)
btw well the first solution is the best imho ;)
// this tune gives TcX some sad mystery touch =)
in mod i hope i can import some burners xD
posted at 26/11/07 20:58gan_ws
Maybe you will say "Don't know", but I mean when you plan to release the latest version?
so i am not sleeping ^^ (it maybe will take a while due alot of new features)
but they will not change gameplay in general. (in TcX map. mod will have more advanced gameplay maps)
posted at 26/11/07 20:55gan_ws
I like this map very much, and this is an outstanding map! I enjoy it! I'm going to ask just a single question, when the next version is going to release? I've longed for it!
posted at 24/11/07 12:02Alpas
Toadcop are you a fen of AvP?
If yes I am suggesting you to convert your wonderful map to a more dreadful one.
Or maybe if you release that patch (mod) I might try to do it myself but I'm really not a very good mapmaker.
There is quite a stuff out there even a new movie coming soon.
So please atleast think about it.
hmm i am planing to create a single+multi player campaign. called "The Graveyard"
and it will Dreadful =) something like DooM3 + Diablo2 imho and something like that.
it's means not ALOT monsters but you need some tricks (skill) to kill it. i mean they will be relative hard oppanents so no meat. etc.
but it will take time to realise it =( but IF it will be done it will be outstanding ! ^^
posted at 18/11/07 21:40masda70
I've noticed a problem when you restart the game before credits end: the camera doesn't stop spinning and continues to display the credits.
tnx for report ;)
posted at 17/11/07 15:16Jacek
finally a mapmaker who MAKES maps instead of coding complicated physics/collision/wtfhax systems
i am also love complicated systems etc. xD it was the beggining =)
but yes it makes only sense if you can use it in practise =) aka playable map ;)
posted at 11/11/07 13:50Guest
Cr8 more terrains, larger, maybe put some kind of equipment 4 soldier... ( sugestion )
so. after the mod everything will be different ^^
currently working on 1.03 implementing alot of new features. (Inventory,Stats etc.)
yes ^^ but it will be optional. (you will be able to play the orig)
posted at 07/11/07 20:09SamNainocard
This is so pretty unique, the map system is must be pretty hard to make, indeed
Falling, jumping, projectiles hit, are awesome!
No bug or weird things above has been noticed yet
(except when stand on the bridge and shoot (not shoot into the bridge, I mean, but shoot to solid place), you will shoot to lower cliff)
My friends want you to change the camera to 3rd or 1st camera. I guess keep it the old camera or maybe increasing height
Well, try to play in GGCilent for no/less delay then, xp
the bridge thingie... is special so ^^ thats why the bridges are transparent ;)
"camera to 3rd or 1st camera" - there are 2 aspects WHY i use such a camera...
1) a great balance issue. railgun will be a full IMBA ! etc.
2) a performance isseu cause viewing in such way will decrease performance on many systems dramaticly ! to the point it will be almost in some cases unplayable !
see i am not a such sucker ^^ i have don't many "strange things" cause it an optimal solution (yes not everytime but mostly)
btw try Listchecker guys are talling it pawnz ^^ idk havent use/see it.
gl !
posted at 28/10/07 14:16DukeCz
hi..i rlly love it its so cooooool !! dont u want make RPG like that? with story and more?
posted at 18/10/07 19:36Guest
TcX stands for ToadcopXtreme right? 8-)
1) like that
2) X = xgm (cause it's official site + i getted alot support from here etc.)
3) and simple X sounds cool xD
4) something of 3 of this ^^
posted at 18/10/07 13:06Alpas
Beated the SVX Mode alone ;D no kidding...
@ the end says You Win and starts 1 min restart
whos the man
btw "Insane" map
posted at 17/10/07 17:43Shaun
i read a lot of posts about the delay on bnet and can just give u the one and only best time:
use a host using listchecker - and ur ping will be zerod :D
and if u for some strange reasons dont know what listchecker is - ask your friends :P
posted at 14/10/07 05:50Craka_J
People with regular PC's (Windows XP) run TcX pretty well. Haven't tested it with MAC users yet though.
posted at 05/10/07 08:34bumskt
Hey. I saw your item system and heard the rpg TKOK is planning on using it. I really liked it.
posted at 19/09/07 01:45Guest
Nice map, well done.
posted at 17/09/07 08:33Viper
This map is great, one of the better fast-paced "shoot-em's" in wc3 to date, anyways i think the maps content is fine in itself, i don't like how you can shoot through bridges to the bottom, and also this map could use more arenas because the starting terrain is rather boring after awhile =)
and i don't want to place alot of arenas on one map it would be crappy...
the bridges a made special so to save CPU etc... + it's much simple == more performance ! =) otherwise TcX would lagg terrably =\
posted at 15/09/07 01:52Georgemots
So when is the new release expected?
the problem is what i am implementing new stuff in. it may cause some troubles. BUT it will be more fun ;)
posted at 09/09/07 13:22The Black Eagle
I suggest that the CTF mode's flag can be passed to allies when we are holding the flag. The other one is if we can buy item to improve our weapon.
Your map are very good, but these are just my suggestion to your map. Thanks...
"The other one is if we can buy item to improve our weapon." ;D not yet ;) currently it;s skill orintaited map ;) (modes !) but in the future you will see xD.
Thanks you ;) ! we are allways open for some sabe suggestions !
posted at 08/09/07 10:50tiger
Your maps 5/5, what i will change is, maybe idea of the map, not quake3, custom idea, but this is ok, put equipment probably, items, resistances ( i created this in my map ) and cr8 other styles of map, like AoS or Survivor, but that could make lagg, anyway, we're all here coz we like this map/mod, and we will try to spread it around the world xD.
btw i am also planing custom mode ;D and it will rock ! (it will go away from quake gameplay style) well a it might be AoS like xD but what will be there... it's a secret =) but it will be unique.
posted at 08/09/07 01:46tiger
y i got good connection , hosting dota well, anyway, ok, about system, i hope u will release it, as soon as u can, i would like to use it in my map, dunt want to borring you with questions, so i will try to fogure it out, but, you could be guide guy for that stuffs, u know rly lots of stuffs. And you could start on somtn big, not only warcraft 3 mapping. respect
i like to modding so, can u cr8 some giude when hving time, for this map full sistem, all in details. And about map now; put more difrendt maps, just change terrain, and add some suffs, - is that its not original idea, its quake 3, but map rocks.
+ it's not a really problem i can create a war3 patch so you could create maps in WE and launch it and TcX gameplay will be on it =). BUT to play such maps every one must have this patch thats the problem ! the map is not popular enough to extend on Patch like map =). BUT it would give MUCH more possibilitys ! and players could create own terrains with own powerups jumppads teleports. and maybe some custom stuff ! i also would create different map ^^ that would be cool but to spread such "MOD" will be very hard =\. thats why people must first learn the beauty of TcX gameplay possiblitys =)