=== HOST COMMANDS === -host - Transfers "Host" permissions to another player, specified by his index (Example "-host 6" will make player 6 (orange) to the host) -g_warmuptime - Setting warmup time (before the round begins) (Example "-g_warmuptime 0" will disable warm up time) -g_timelimit - Setting round time limit (Example "-g_timelimit 0" will disable round time limit) -g_fraglimit - Setting round frag limit (Example "-g_fraglimit 0" will disable round frag limit) -g_capturelimit - Setting round flag capture limit (Example "-g_capturelimit 0" will disable round flag capture limit) -g_autorestart - Setting countdown timer after round end (Example "-g_autorestart 0" will disable auto restart) -g_falldmg - Enable or Disable damage from falling from a great height (Example "-g_falldmg 0" will disable damage from falling) -g_falldmgx - Setting fall damage vector scale factor (Example "-g_falldmgx 0.1" will set factor to 0.1) NOTE: tweak it carefully. -g_selfdamagefactor - Setting self damage factor i.e. how many damage(%) you will get from own attacks/explosions (Example "-g_selfdamagefactor 30" will take 30% from own damage) -g_armorrate - Setting armor damage reflection rate i.e. threshold how much armor (%) can be used to reduce damage (Example "-g_armorrate 25" the max armor rate to reduce damage is 25% so if you will recive 100 dmg the max damage what can be absorbed by the armor is 25. the min damage what you would recive is 75) -g_timex - Setting global time scale factor ©TcX-Core (Example "-g_timex 0.25" will slow the game to x4 times) NOTE: tweak it carefully don't use too high or too low values, more than x5 IS NOT RECOMMENDED! -p_period - Setting projectile update period (Example "-p_period 0.03" will update projectile 33 times per second.) -p_ai - Advanced technic to improve performance while using (shooting) alot projectles. (for example Flamegun emits 10 projectiles per second. default is ON.) -r_fxquality - Controls how many images will be created. the range is 0-100 0 - will fully disable image creation 100 - 100% chance what image will be created (Example "-r_fxquality 50" 50% chance what image will be created) NOTE: it's a global parameter can improve performance -s_disablesound - Disable or enable sound creation in the map this can increase performance on some systems (Example "-s_disablesound 1" will disable sound creation) NOTE: it's a global parameter. -u_period - Setting unit position update period (Example "-u_period 0.0125" will update projectile 80 times per second.) -x_explosion - Setting damage vector scale factor (Example "-x_explosion 10" will scale damage vector to x10) -restart - Restart the current round, all setups are not changed. -pause - Pause/Unpause (1/0) current game. not affecting UI functionality. (Example "-pause 1" will pause the game) -addbot - "-addbot skill team" (team only required in teamplay mode) Adding a computer controled player to the game. (Example "-addbot hard" will add 1 Hard skill bot) skill is in range 0-4 -removebot - Remove last created bot from the game. (no parameters needed) -removebots - Remove ALL currently active bots from the game. (no parameters needed) -friendlyfire - Allows to damage teammates or not (1/0). (Example "-friendlyfire 0" will disable Friendly Fire) (Default is 0) -kick - Kicks desired player by his index (1..12); this player will be excluded from the game. (Example: "-kick 2" will kick player 2 (blue)) -gravity - Set global gravity (Example "-gravity 250.45" will set gravity to 250.45) -ai - Enable/Disable computer AI ("freeze" bots) (Example "-ai 1") -diff - Changes current Game Difficult (only in special modes) (Example "-diff 1.5") -test - Enable/Disable Test mode this mod allows extra "console" commands (Example "-test 1") -mod - Change between game mods. Orignal TcX is "0" Xp mod is "1". -mode - Changes current Game Mode (Example "-mode 3" will change to CTF mode) -radar - Disable/Enable minimap radar (Example "-radar 0" disable radar default is ON) -jump - Enable/Disable the possibility to jump -startgold - Setting base starting gold given to all players. -penalty - Enable/Disable (1/0) gold penalty on death. So you will lose some gold than you die (Default is OFF). only XP mod (1) -penaltymult - Set the multiplier for gold amount which is loosed on death. 0.25 = you will lose 25% of what(gold) has recived your killer. only XP mod (1) -goldrate - Set Gold rate (Recived gold on kill) depending on incoming XP. only XP mod (1) -xprate - Set XP rate. only XP mod (1) -goldincome - Set periodical (every 10 seconds) Gold income. only XP mod (1) -xpincome - Set periodical (every 10 seconds) XP income. only XP mod (1) === SINGLE PLAYER OR TEST MODE COMMANDS === -cam - (TEST MODE) Enable/Disable follow camera (Example "-cam 0") -give - (TEST MODE) Give desired game object (Example "-give 6" will give you 100 Armor. see the list for more info...) -ammo - (TEST MODE) Disable/Enable Ammuntion usage (Example "-ammo 1" disable ammo using. i.e. unlimited attacks) -addxp - (TEST MODE) Adds specific amount of expirience to your character. only XP mod (1) -gold - (TEST MODE) Adds Specific amount of gold to player. only XP mod (1) === GENERAL COMMANDS === -join - Join desired team (1 or 2) works only if game have 2 teams. (Example "-join 2" will join team 2) -autoswitch - Set possibility to auto switch to currently picked up weapon. (Example "-autoswitch 0" will disable auto switch) -clear - Clear all text messages on the screen (Example "-clear") -camz - Sets camera distance to the target (you) (Example "-camz 1000") -camaoa - Sets camera Angle of Attack (Example "-camaoa 290") -name - Sets players name (yours) (Example "-name Jack06") -dismsg - Disable/Enable unit death message display (Example "-dismsg 0" disable death messages this may help avoid spamming than playing with alot bots etc.) -kill - Instantly kill your self (suicide) can help if you stucked somewhere for example. -autoattack/-aa - Enable/Disable (1/0) auto attack mode while targeting a unit. (Example "-autoattack 0" will disable auto attack default is ON) -keys - Force/Unforce full keyboard movement controls (will ignore any hotkey combinations) -automove/-am - Toggles Advanced movement system (aka Mouse move) -rmb - Disable/Enable (0/1) Right Mouse Button actions (Jump) may be usefull if you expirience lags etc. -controls/ctrl - Set controls style. 1 = XP controls you move via left mouse buton and also autoattack is enabled. 0 - original controls automove and autoattack are disabled.